
Class: com.microstrategy.web.app.taglibs.DisplayGuiComponentTag


This custom tag displays the GUI Component requested into the final HTML code to show to the user.
For example:
 <web:displayGuiComponent name="report_area" isContainer="true"/>

Name Required? Description
displayMode false set the display mode used as the DisplayGuiComponent renders
isContainer false  
name false Indicates the name of the GUI Component that will be rendered.
The GUI Component is defined based on a bean existing on the page. The value assigned to this attribute will be the GUI Component to search for getting it displayed to the user. If this attribute is not set, the GUI component will use the component specified in pageConfig.xml
type false Indicates the type of the GUI Component that will be rendered.
By default, the type is 'bean', which means it will take the definition of a gui component from the page config file. The types available are: - bean - message